He walked around every corridoor atleast twice now. Fustrated and feverish
he was determind to find her, but three days without food, a broken wand, and
counless buirsing one would be lost to fatality itself and its grim greetless
face. He remembered the mear momments yet days before he basked in the glow
of a wonderous young women he swore he shall foreveron and forevermore devoute
himself to. He knew better to fall in love when Voldermort was wickedly about
his buissnness, but those soft pool bule eyes and reddish long flowing locks
weakened him. He was dazed with deprression leaning on the stone cold walls
to support his staggering figure hearing a honey like tone sreaching in a narrow
hall alerted all his sences at once. He dashed towards it, but suddenly felt
a a sillowette surround him swallowing him whole. (Twilight22, Age 13 to 18,
8/19/2006 10:16:29 PM)
“huhhh?” harry looked around. “wha?” He sat up. He
was in a green meadow with dandloins and little blue flowers peeping up through
the soft blades of grass. “Where-Where am I?” a girl with thick
brown locks ran up to him. “oh it’s the wizard! Help!!!” “What?”
harry sat erect and confused. “what’s going on?” “Oh!”
the girl plopped down beside him on the grass faintly. She looked slightly out
of proportion, as if someone had sucked the color out of her and carelessly
put it back on. Tears streamed down her face. “it’s-it’s T-Tamwyn…”
she gasped through sobs. “we’ve come from a faraway land called
Avalon, a bridge connecting heaven and earth, and we have been banished here
because humanity was tipping Avalon’s fragile balance.” She wiped
her eyes with her tunic and desperately tried to pull herself together. “Tamwyn
tried to bring a wizard here to help us. It used such strain he is sick with
fatige.” Harry’s eyes reeled back in his head trying to grasp this
strange concept. But after all, after finding out he was a wizard hardly anything
suprized him. “take me to him” he whispered patting the girls shoulder
ever so gently. Releif shone in her eyes. She walked towards a group of people
crowding around something. “the wizard…” some mumbled, “is
it him?” others said. “what’s he wearing?” a child asked.
Harry made his way to the center and pointed his wand at a boy who looked similar
to his age. “Gortayannis Healiosis” he commanded. A spark of light
escaped his wand and surged through the boy’s body. His eyelids fluttered,
then opened, eyes black as coal. He looked in the direction of the girl. “elli………”
“Oh tamwyn!!!!” she cryed leaping to him. They passionately kissed,
tears running down their faces. Harry felt a sharp pang in his heart, remembering
the girl who had so passionately kissed him in the Gryfindor commin room, so
long ago. (storyruiner, Age 8 to 12, 10/27/2006 9:41:01 PM)
"No... Hermione..we have been through this before...I'm sorry I preposed
to Ginny." He uttered breathlessly clawing his way out of Hermiones arms.
"But..I love you...HARRY If I CAN"t HAVE YOU I'LL- "I THOUGHT
WOMEN!" Suddenly the passionate figure emerged into a creature so sinster
and vile to the human eye- "I"LL KIll YOU!" Harry sprinted into
the sparly spred landscape thinking it outlandishly odd to have encountered
a certain creature-A Palmah in the eastern parts of a land he have became so
known of. Meeting this shapeshifer who was rather fond of him was another story
in itself. (Kikio, Age 13 to 18, 11/18/2006 5:57:24 PM)
ignore the paragraph about harry and ginny!!!)Hermione tells him finally at
her last year that she loves him harry also tells her the same thing she kissed
him and he had joy weeping down his face!!!they lived happily ever after. (Christina,
Age 13 to 18, 12/2/2006 3:29:09 PM)
Then harry woke up from his nightmare. "I can't believe I dreamt about
me and Hermione" He got up realizing that it was morning and went down
to the common room. He saw the girl that he really wanted to spend the rest
of his life with, Ginny. "Morning Harry," she said with a smile,"Sleep
well?" "Yeah," he answered kissing her. He sat down on the squishy
couch and put his arm around her. She put down what she was looking at and leaned
into him. They sat there in front of the fire with the snow falling outside
for a while. Then someone came in through the portrait hole. (h&gP1212,
Age 13 to 18, 12/11/2006 4:11:32 PM)
"Oh! It's Ron" Ginny exclaimed."But why is he so red in his
face?" "Ron What happened to you?"Harry asked. "Yeah it
happened harry. I don't know.....How it did... But it did!"Ron said dreamily."Ron
are you alright?"Ginny shook him. "Perfectly even more when Hermoine
kissed me. Harry felt a strange feeling in his stomach.A mixture of jealous
and guilt. "She kissed me right on my cheek. Harry is it real?"He
pinched in the stomach."Ron don.....It's paining". "Paining?Yeah
it's real Oh! Harry will she go on in the same manner with me or will it break
up?"Ron asked with eager. I really don't know Ron but.......... Just then
Hermoine came inside the common room.Harry stomach it a somersault. (P.Padma
Priya, Age 8 to 12, 12/28/2006 2:12:29 AM)
Harry thought he was coming down with something. "Are you alright Harry?
you look kind of pale," asked ginny. "My stomach kind of hurts,"
he said. "Well lay down for a bit," she said. He layed down with his
head in her lap. Ginny looked down at him for a little bit stroking his hair
and then looked up at Ron and Hermione remembering what was going on. "So
I hear you kissed Ron, Hermione," she said with a smile. "Oh, well,"
she said and her face got red but not as bad as Ron's. Ginny was about to press
on and Ron said, "lets go Hermione," and they left. Ginny continued
stroking Harry's head and read him the headlines in the paper. Harry still felt
sick but was very happy to be with Ginny. (HGPOTTER31253, Age 13 to 18, 1/8/2007
4:56:33 PM)
Then Hermione burst through the portrait hole,"Ok yes I did! But I wanted
to see with Harry if it would feel weird if we were boyfriend and girlfriend!"
she exclaimed. "i would not want to make him feel uncomfortable."
" I am ok with it as long as I am with Ginny." He said. But he was
not Ok with it. If they had a relationship, would he feel fine. His day went
by fast and in a blurr. When he went to bed he had the weirdest dream about
him, Hermione and Voldemort..... (H+G, Age 8 to 12, 1/9/2007 4:04:29 PM)
It was dark. It was cold. And he was back in the graveyard he was in on his
fourth year. Hermione was there, too. "Hermione!" harry called with
a feeling of sadness the fact he might die today and not even tell her about
his true feelings. He herd a shout back,"Harry, come here" All of
a sudden Voldmort appeared. He grabbed harry by the head and thrusted him to
the grave of voldemort's father and thegrave moved its self so harry could choke.
"Hermione, come here, defeat voldemort!" Hermione went there, but
before she tried to defeat voldemort she kissed Harry right on the lips. The
tingles Harry felt when this happened made himdrop from the clench of voldemorts
fathers grave and shout "Avada Kadavara" and he killed voldemort.
Thats when he woke up, dissapointed and sad because of the thought that it was
only a dream...... (Hermiones gal, Age 8 to 12, 1/9/2007 8:42:47 PM)
Then he felt bad. Wht if he had really defeated voldemort. What if Hermoine
had really kissed him. "Harry I heard you say "Kiss me Hermoine"I
didn't know u have a crush on her"Ron blijnke. Harry clapped his hand to
his head. Now Ron has heard.nHe would tell Ginny and Hermoine. What will they
think of him. (Luna Lovegood, Age 8 to 12, 1/15/2007 2:24:31 AM)
Harry grudgingly walked into the portrait room with his head down. He didn't
want Ginny or Ron to see him. Suddenly the clatter of glass filled the air.
Ginny had dropped her pumkin juice, and standing over her whispering in her
ear was Ron... (Minnie Mouse, Age 13 to 18, 1/20/2007 7:32:36 PM)
(Minnie Mouse, Age 13 to 18, 1/20/2007 7:32:36 PM) (edit) )
(Average Rating: 6,375, Votes: 8)
"It's not true."Harry shouted across the room. "I dreampt thatt I was Ron. I just wanted to tell you the truth Hermione! I do not like that you two are dating!" He shouted. That was when Ginny slapped him across the face so hard that he was knocked out. up in the Hosital wing he woke up aching all over. When he put his glasses on is when he saw that Ginny had been standing over him. (Writer For The Quibbler, Age 8 to 12, 04.03.2007 16:45:38) (edit)
are going to go to the dark arts class in the morming so he whent to bed untell he wakesup so him and ron whent and destrayed the weping willow so he was very mad so he because hermily had to fallow them thereand then. (g, Age 13 to 18, 17.07.2007 13:38:52) (edit)
Hermoine cast cast a spell to bring the tree back to life, and Harry woke up. relizing it was a dream. (Miamoomoomoo, Age 8 to 12, 26.07.2007 09:56:28) (edit)
He rubbed his head aching,and found hermione standing over him.Moring hermine,he said "moring harry" "great wedding yesterday" "yeah" "it's so great we're married,finally!"And they went downstairs to the delicous breakfast hermione had made. (Arielle, Age 8 to 12, 10.08.2007 10:03:17) (edit)
after breakfast harry and hermonie went to the common room." i love you so much hermonie" said harry. " i love you too" said hermonie as she leaned over to harry and kissed him on the lips (Kenshin, Young Adult, 14.08.2007 09:25:32) (edit)
meanwhile ron was telling lavender he liked her and asked her out. "yes" said lavenderthen they walked off to the gryfindor common room saw harry and hermonie kissing with out interrepting them ron kissed lavender on the lips. (Kenshin, Young Adult, 14.08.2007 09:28:30) (edit)
luna lovegood entered the room and said "having fun i see". "oh, go somewhere else and leave us alone. she went out side thee common room ad met this guy he was wearing black glasses and long black robes as he passed by he gave a charming smile to luna and asked her" what is your name, pretty lady as he grabbed her hand and kissed it . Luna giggled and said "i am Luna Luna Lovegood how bout you?"
" george george granger, brother of hermonie granger" i am looking for her have you seen her anywhere?" asked george "yea she is inside this room" said luna " thank you said george as he went inside. he was shocked and happy for hermonie to be goin gout with the famouse harry potter. (Kenshin, Young Adult, 14.08.2007 09:38:03) (edit)
Then Luna fainted and was taken to the Hospital Wing and was waken up by George. George asked if she was ok, and she said "Yes, I am George, but you never told me, what house you are in?" (Miamoomoomoo, Age 8 to 12, 14.08.2007 18:33:10) (edit)
"'ll be in your house soon....maybe even in your bed,"george said laughing an dkissing luna. (popolingerie, Age 13 to 18, 22.08.2007 13:58:31) (edit)
Everyone was excited for Luna, untill.. Geeorge found another girl after a serious case of amneisa and Hermione said she did not have a brother and said, "Did dad make a robot because Harry never came over when I was super loneley?" Ron broke up with Lavender and Harry left Hermoine for Ginny, and Ron was wanting a girl when he remembered Hermione and they became a couple, as well as Neville and Luna and it was Happily Ever After!!!!!!!!! (Miamoomoomoo, Age 8 to 12, 11.06.2018 13:02:35) (edit)
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