The Diary

Do you know what it means to be a writer? Well, it takes much of imagination to start with. Being a writer is just like explaining life in a small book. I know that you cannot tell all but it's like your own passion for writing, really. You have thoughts and dreams that all are exposed wide opened to the readers. As for me, I keep a journal. Always at my side. I have it at bad times and sad times, and happy times. When sad, I always force back my tears and make fists. Hard, so that I won't let go and I will stay strong. Tears stream down my face when no one is looking. It is very hard to keep it all trapped inside. I always hide from my fears and have not much of happy thoughts. Such a fearful life. I will never let go of the past. Never. Just know, that there is hope. There always is. Just don't give up and do your duties. I know it's hard. And you may always think of it. Think of the good thoughts and keep your head high. In this story several events that I write in my journal will be presented in my journal to you. Enjoy. (Adriana, Age 13 to 18, 10/20/2004 9:32:12 PM) (edit) )

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The Diary Do you know what it means to be a writer? Well, it takes much of imagination to start with. Being a writer is just like explaining life in a small book. I know that you cannot tell all but it's like your own passion for writing, really. You have thoughts and dreams that all are exposed wide opened to the readers. As for me, I keep a journal. Always at my side. I have it at bad times and sad times, and happy times. When sad, I always force back my tears and make fists. Hard, so that I won't let go and I will stay strong. Tears stream down my face when no one is looking. It is very hard to keep it all trapped inside. I always hide from my fears and have not much of happy thoughts. Such a fearful life. I will never let go of the past. Never. Just know, that there is hope. There always is. Just don't give up and do your duties. I know it's hard. And you may always think of it. Think of the good thoughts and keep your head high. In this story several events that I write in my journal will be presented in my journal to you. Enjoy. (Lady Book worm, Age 8 to 12, 28.02.2013 15:01:10) (edit)

Honey whimperd, and turned, hiding his face in the sand.I heartily agreed with him, and whished to do the same. Instead, I stood tall and fixed a stupid grin onto my face. (Kade 'n' Jade, Age 13 to 18, 22.11.2005 08:36:46) (edit)

I almost fainted from that horrible perfume, and tried to imagine HOW unbearable it must have been for my Honey, considering dog's noses are so much more sensitive than humans'. (Snarfy, Young Adult, 28.11.2005 09:40:58) (edit)

She of course was doing just fine, having her head buried into the secure sand, but as for me i just could not take it anymore. I told him it was time for me to heading on out to my Uncle's house. "I'll talk to ya some other time", under my breath i murmured, "when you're not wearing so much perfume" (Mikaa, Age 13 to 18, 07.12.2005 18:42:29) (edit)

He stared at me as I ran up to Uncle Joe's house.I was happy to be away from his awful stench.I knocked on the door and a old lady answered the door.She said she was my grandmother but her smile just wasn't like grandma's smile in all the photographs.Something was suspicous about her. (Ashleigh, Age 8 to 12, 15.01.2006 13:39:37) (edit)

suddenly an evil grin sprawled across her face with pointed teeth showing though. (Posh girl, Age 13 to 18, 20.01.2017 19:20:40) (edit)

so i saw yoda vs darth vader and i thought to my self aint nobody got time for that and then i kept walking and i saw my mom and she looked like godzilla i got scared i ran for my life i didnt grab no shoes or nothing jesus i ran for m life i thouht she was going to eat mmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeee then i smelt smoke and i thought someone was barbcueing so then i saw elmo after that a got freakin drunk yeah (Harel Levy and Idan Sharabi , Age 13 to 18, 21.02.2013 14:45:50) (edit)

I was terribly sad when my dog died.So sad that I went to the most remote part of beach one night and sat on the dunes till dawn,crying,and screaming,and kicking the sand.But my dog wasn't the only reason.That woman.The one who had said she was my grandmother.After my dog died,she had dragged me into Uncle Joe's house,and up the stairs."Stay here."she said,throwing me into a room. "Why?"I cried. "Because I said so!" "No!"I screamed. At that,she stared at me with a murderous glare.I felt like I was gonna be sick,but I stood my ground.She was still for a moment,but then she started to smile.A cold,evil smile.And that smile triggered something,and she began to look,not like the seventy year old woman who had answered the door,but young,and strangely beautiful.Then she slapped me with such force that it sent me reeling backwards.And she laughed as I fumed in childlike indignation. "I hate you!"I yelled,and I didn't even know who she was. (Fiona, Age 8 to 12, 07.02.2006 22:47:15) (edit)

Okay, that was so weird I couldn't help but roll my eyes. God, when is all the drama gonna stop? I mean, it's pretty funny my dog died of pizza. Just then I looked out my window. Uncle Joe was hitting the weird woman away from his house. "O-kay, you are soooooo weird you are freaking me out. I don't wanna date you any more!" he screamed. I ran down the stairs and out of the house. "What the freakin' heck was that all about?" I asked. "That weird woman was dating me, but she was like SOOOO weird so I dumpted her," he said. Suddenly cats and dogs, including Honey jumped down from the heavens. I was supposed to be excited to see her but the sight of cats and dogs jumping down from the sky caused me to run and yell "It's rainning cats and dogs!!!" I ran around a few laps, then realized I was running in circles and not gettig anywhere. Then I began to study my multiplication tables. 8x9=7845639, 6x4=6665....Boy was I good! Then I noticed all the cats and dogs where lying motionless on their backs. Honey, too. But then they bolted up and danced around me, singing some very weird words. "Mahikuku!" they yelled. "Mayikojuyersy! Tihuku Opikleret!!!!" Since when could they talk? I wondered. I looked at Uncle Joe. He was acting like a dog. He was licking the sand and howling everywhere. "AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed so loud my lungs could've burst. "THE WORLD HAS COME TO AN EEEEEND!!!!!!" " (Hannah, Age 13 to 18, 15.02.2006 22:57:18) (edit)

"Why did this happen? Why me? Wait there all turing into humans this is the weirdest thing ever! Adri,Adri honey wake up! What mom whats wrong? You were screaming in your sleep. I was? wow I had no idea! (Paul Frank, Age 13 to 18, 27.02.2006 18:22:34) (edit)

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