There are many doors in this house ,yet only leads to another world . Peter,Susan,Edmund and Lucy have been evacuated to the country because of world war 2
Peter is 11 Susan is 10 Edmund [or Ed]is 9 and Lucy is 7.They stood outside. And a man with a short,yet shabby white beard stood there he was Proffesor Kirke . (Fireeye my name is really Andy., Age 8 to 12, 4/12/2006 2:46:18 PM) (edit) )
(Average Rating: 4,33333333333333, Votes: 3)
Oh Oh, King Peter just got evil. He cut of the head of Lucy. Then he began heading for you. The last thing you saw was the sword of High King Peter the sword was so heavy he cut his own head off (Abid Saleem, Age 8 to 12, 20.01.2012 14:27:49) (edit)
Next the man asked Lucy to put on a beautiful,glowing ring. Then she said ,"Why?" (james, Age 8 to 12, 17.11.2010 11:09:33) (edit)
Lucy was frightened because of him giving her a ring. (adam, Age 8 to 12, 17.11.2010 11:10:54) (edit)
one day at noon (kaitlyn, Age 8 to 12, 20.01.2012 14:32:26) (edit)
it was late at night and when i turned around there was a hariy monster. (pappu, Age 13 to 18, 16.08.2011 11:52:24) (edit)
Wow nice story I really enjoyed the story! keep writing (Abid Saleem, Age 8 to 12, 16.12.2011 18:59:27) (edit)
The monster stared at me and screamed just as much as i did. (sophia, Age 8 to 12, 18.12.2011 17:04:50) (edit)
i eat heads said the corpse of king peter please let me die (gfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfg, Age 1 to 4, 20.01.2012 14:30:17) (edit)
hi i'm bob said the visitor (me, Age 1 to 4, 20.01.2012 14:31:33) (edit)
no you can not die, not yet! (zachary, Age 8 to 12, 05.06.2012 15:05:36) (edit)
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