"Oh,no we're got to help her." said Harry then Ron said, "I'll get Professor McGonagall." A few minutes later Ron had returned with Professor McGonagall who ran to Hermione who was knocked up still.Professor McGonagall pulled out her wand and said some kind of spell and take her to the Hospital Wing. Harry and Ron followed Professor McGonagall to the Hospital Wing. (Danielle Grothusen, Age 13 to 18, 6/11/2004 4:38:50 PM) (edit) )
(Average Rating: 5,5, Votes: 2)
"Madam Pomphry!"exclamed Prof. McGonagall in a worried voice."What is it Minvirag7yugrvhgft6rgfvtg?"asked Madam Pomphry. "Ms. Granger has ingured herself! She can remember anything!" Ron and Harry exchanged looks at each other then looked at Hermione. They wondered if is this was permanent. Harry then relised,even after seeing Voldemort time afer time, this was the scariest moment for him in a long while. (J Sol, Age 8 to 12, 16.08.2024 21:28:20) (edit)
Hermione was in the hospital wing for several weeks. Madam Pomphry just could not figure out what was wrong with her. Harry was at her bedside every day. He refused to go to classes or talk to anyone. Ron was getting worried. Harry had never acted like this before. However, before long, Ron was putting the puzzle together. Maybe, just maybe, Harry was in love, with Hermione. He ran to confront him when he saw Cho sitting next to Harry arguing saying he did not care about her anymore. He just wanted Hermione. Harry did not seem to be paying any attention or even realise Cho was in the room. (Kristi, Age 13 to 18, 18.07.2004 18:16:04) (edit)
ron was confused by what he had heard harry say he loved hermione but harry did too.ron most certaintly didn't want to fight with harry over a girl (elo, Age 13 to 18, 18.07.2004 18:46:11) (edit)
So Ron pulled him back from the bed one day and said Why are you not coming to classes no more and he said I just want Hermonie to get out of the Hospatil Wing oh said Ron we have been in the Hospatil every execpt our nd year but Hermonie has been in the Hospatil Wing every year but you got a lot of homework to do said Ron I'll do it here on the bed side table He was at Hermonie 's Bed every next day and one day hhe said to Ron I want to talk to you And he said I-I-I am in love with Heromine and Ron said I Knew it! So he was still sleeping in the hospital doing his homework there too and Ron came dashing to tell him he said Proffoer Dumbledore wants you NOW He said this is an emergency right? YES ron yelled ok-ok said Harry ran down the Charms Corridor and met Dumbledore in about sec. And dumbledore said come with me to my office and when they sat down in the office Dumbledore said Harry you must start going back to classes and he said I don't want to leave Hermonie's bed at least untill she's knows who she is dumbledore said Ok let's make a plan you can stay there for two more days but if you miss any other classes I will have to expel you and after you go to classes please go back to the Griffindor common room ok? Harry please go to the scool feast at least Ok said Harry so they waslked slowly back to the Hospital Wind and told Ron that he still had to go to the scool feast. (Alana, Age 8 to 12, 22.07.2004 08:41:29) (edit)
Hermione after being in the hospatal wing realized thet one year was over and rita skeeter could right any thing she wanted so the next potion she was given insantly cured her she had to stop Rita from know ing that Both ron & Harry loved her (Darien, Age 8 to 12, 28.08.2004 07:19:55) (edit)
But to be honest Hermione Liked to be the centre of attention for once then Harry and ron and Hermione wanted to show that Pansy Parkinson that 2 guys could love her!Sghe wanted the whole world to know this!
2 weeks later ron and Hermione had a detention ron was stuck and hermione helped him in potions so they had to stay 3 hours after potions lesson!Hermione i have something to tell you. Said ron.What? said Hermione. I really um um like um um yyy you um alot! said Ron.You do well i like you too!replied hermione. Then She leaned in and so did Ron and they kissed hermione thought it was the most magical thing and so did ron but then Harry walked in and saw a couple in the corner kissing Sickos he thought in his head just wait till prof. snape sees them oh well , wonder where ron and hermione is! thought harry. he turned to walk away when he heard the girls voice say oh ron ireally like you!mee too said the mans voice!
Oh my god harry thought that sounds like ron and hermione! It is them...HARRY THOUGHT!
Hetrmione? Ron? he said realising his heart had just broken and ran out the room! (Girl with attitude, Age 13 to 18, 30.08.2004 09:51:54) (edit)
That's because he think that maybe he would like now cho or hermione he is so confuse thet he stay alone in his room. (adniel feliciano, Age 13 to 18, 30.08.2004 19:08:40) (edit)
He would never ever talk to them AGAIN. The next day Harry was walking by himself until Ginny came running up to him.
Hi harry what lesson you got know. asked ginny.
Harry didn't say anything coz ron and hermione were walking up towards him HOLDING HANDS so harry said to ginny i really like you to ginny and ginny kissed him right infront of everyone! Hermione and ron were so angry and jelous but harry didn't care he had a new girl friend that he liked even more then hermione....he thinks! (Girl wit attitude, Age 13 to 18, 31.08.2004 10:39:13) (edit)
Ginny and harry liked each other very much they got married and had 7 kids there names; susy jack james martha clark lillian elsa.
But one night harry came home after a long days night to find a note written by hermione; Love your family tough luck! go upstairs into your bedroom! LOVE HERMIONE!!!1 so harry did go up to his bedroom opened the door only to find his wife ginny and his 7 kids lying on the floor dead! all coverd in blood but then hermione grabbed him and tied him up with rope and ron aimed his wand at harrys heart AVAND KEDAVA! WILL HARRY SURVIVE ... I DON'T KNOW FIND OUT NEXT TIME IN WHATS WRONG WITH HERMIONE PART 2!!! DUH DUH DUH (Story killer, Age 8 to 12, 01.09.2004 09:19:44) (edit)
Ginny and harry liked each other very much they got married and had 7 kids there names; susy jack james martha clark lillian elsa.
But one night harry came home after a long days night to find a note written by hermione; Love your family tough luck! go upstairs into your bedroom! LOVE HERMIONE!!!1 so harry did go up to his bedroom opened the door only to find his wife ginny and his 7 kids lying on the floor dead! all coverd in blood but then hermione grabbed him and tied him up with rope and ron aimed his wand at harrys heart AVAND KEDAVA! WILL HARRY SURVIVE ... I DON'T KNOW FIND OUT NEXT TIME IN WHATS WRONG WITH HERMIONE PART 3!!! DUH DUH DUH (Story killer, Age 8 to 12, 01.09.2004 09:19:57) (edit)
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