Black's Heir

~this story takes place during third year~ "Harry!" OOOF! "Harry, how are you? How was your summer? Hope those Dursleys didn't harm you too badly." The small body of a 12 year old girl was lying on top of Harry. "Nat? Is that you?" THe girl just squeezed Harry, like a child on their first day of day care. "Harry, I'm so glad you're here." "Yeah, you too." Natalie had changed since Harry had seen her last. She had grown about 3 inches. Her hair was a dark and matted as ever. It was the fact that Natalie did not care about how neat her hair was that Harry liked her. Though he had constnatly denied his feelings for her from Ron and Hermione. (Jo-D, Age 13 to 18, 3/15/2005 11:11:23 PM) (edit) )

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He wanted to tell them but he jus do this to us?'' i like my mom (sophia, Age 8 to 12, 15.01.2013 15:56:51) (edit)

''Guys wait I said you were still my friends,''tried Harry but Hermoine and Ron were already in their rooms.''Ok,'' he thought ''they might not like me but i still have my Natalie.'' (sophia, Age 8 to 12, 21.12.2011 08:40:16) (edit)

dude,u can do so much better than nat! go after ginny (constantchat, Adult, 04.06.2012 00:41:55) (edit)

so than ginny came in and saw harry kissing nat and she ran out of the room crying (totallystupid, Parent, 11.06.2012 20:25:10) (edit)

than natalie laid on harry (butt43, Young Adult, 11.06.2012 20:25:46) (edit)

so then they started going out and lived happily ever after (amina, Parent, 24.06.2012 00:56:02) (edit)

andd ginny cursed them both and natalie died and harry went after ginny (andii, Age 13 to 18, 30.06.2012 00:23:12) (edit)

andd ginny cursed them both and natalie died and harry went after ginny (andii, Age 13 to 18, 30.06.2012 00:23:16) (edit)

andd ginny cursed them both and natalie died and harry went after ginny. (andii, Age 13 to 18, 12.08.2012 16:19:30) (edit)

Then out of know where a girl named madison poped up on her horse named Ariel (Madison, Age 8 to 12, 16.10.2012 22:15:22) (edit)

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