Rosemount Farm

I'm a normal teenage girl. But i have to get up at 4 in the morning to muck out everyone's stables, groom, fetch in, and feed all the horses. And have a shower. Then walk 3 miles for the bus. So you can guess I live on a farm? Well, yes-and with a hectic lifestyle. Not just a normal farm lifestyle with horse adventures, mad chickens and an escaped bull, but we live in an area of crime, and the the most haunted place in Britain. So you can imagine how weird my life gets. (Elizabeth, Age 13 to 18, 8/14/2005 11:48:54 AM) (edit) )

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My bedroom was the only place where I could relax in peace. But still, it's not always peace. Sometimes it's my mum and Jorge arguing, and sometimes it's my annoying baby brother making stupid aeroplane noises. It is hectic! The only person who knows how I feel is my BFF Angelica, who has the same hectic lifestlye as me. She comes round nearly every day, and tonight she is sleeping over (at 7:00). Oh, it's nearly 7:00, better get thngs ready! Bye (Ashley age 13, Age 13 to 18, 29.04.2009 20:16:48) (edit)

You think lifes over but it's done in a blink of an eye (lis, Age 13 to 18, 26.08.2011 21:14:53) (edit)

Angelica was coming to stay for the night so we could do a school family history project which was due on Friday. I know it sounds boring but it has to be done. You're probably wondering why we're doing our family history project together? Well, it's because we are also cousins. Ooh, fanatastic! I think Angelica is here now! "Hey Sara!" called Angelica as she walked in the door, "have you got anything interesting for our project?". "Yes!" I replied, "I found this ancient, dusty book in the attic and I need your help to open it with a paper clip." (Sarah, Age 8 to 12, 28.05.2010 21:43:42) (edit)

aramide was coming to stay for the night so we could do a school family history project which was due on Friday. I know it sounds boring but it has to be done. You're probably wondering why we're doing our family history project together? Well, it's because we are also cousins. Ooh, fanatastic! I think Angelica is here now! "Hey Sara!" called Angelica as she walked in the door, "have you got anything interesting for our project?". "Yes!" I replied, "I found this ancient, dusty book in the attic and I need your help to open it with a paper clip." (Sarah, Age 8 to 12, 5/28/2010 9:43:42 PM) (edit) (flag) (iberu aramide munirat, Age 8 to 12, 26.07.2010 17:45:23) (edit)

"Angelica!"I said."What Sara?" "I think this old book is about...." "About what?" "About mermaids!" "huh?" Angelica said (kitty, Age 8 to 12, 02.06.2019 02:28:52) (edit)

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