My room is home to the most awesome dragon painting ever. It's so realistic, it freaks me out every time I walk in. The scales are so real, and I swear the eyes follow you around. Most people would hate it, but I'm a dragon lover. It was perfectly fine on the wall at least. The problem is, its not on the wall anymore. It's alive and kicking. (Lian XII, Age 8 to 12, 2/13/2007 11:42:17 PM) (edit) )
(Average Rating: 7,5, Votes: 10)
You see it all started as a school project, where we were supposed to to bring in a show and tell item, just like in kindergarten, except it was it be a bit more serious in nature.
"Serious in nature" I though, "hmmmm". (Shannon, Age 13 to 18, 07.03.2007 14:25:20) (edit)
well it started by my mom called me to clean her room and i said no.and i said i dont want 2 so i got in trouble. i got punshied for a whole week. i wrote a note to me mom telling her i aploigize. i wrote her that note because all the stuff she did for me i acted up and acted i couldnt do 1 simple thing for and all the things she did for me. (cutie, Age 8 to 12, 09.07.2007 16:02:14) (edit)
My mom called me in the room and she said she had read my letter and that she forgave me.That night, I helped my mom cook dinner.That dinner was so delicious we had mac-n-cheese,chicken,greens,home made rolls and some sweet potato pie.After dinnner I washed the dishes and put the rest of the food up.we decided to have family time. (Deedee, Age 13 to 18, 11.07.2007 13:34:21) (edit)
S0 THE NEXT DAY I DECIDE T0 SH0W MY CALSS THEN F0R SH0W N TELL [[: (714_MORENA , Age 13 to 18, 11.07.2007 12:31:40) (edit)
they loved my pictures when i tooked them to show and tell they thought i looked so pretty (Na'Hoejae, Age 13 to 18, 12.07.2007 17:13:12) (edit)
i went home after school and noticed a dried powder on the back of the pictures.i scraped it off not telling my mom because to her every picture is worth $1,000 and if she knew about this shed go ballistic.although i didnt notice right then the pieces i scraped off flew magneticly to the dragon i left the room i though out of the corner of my eye i saw the painting move i looked at it hard and shrugged it off as a trick of light. (Claudia, Age 8 to 12, 28.07.2007 17:31:41) (edit)
when i came back from dinner i looked at the dragon painting i noticed it moved from its head on the left side to the right i looked at it for a long time ,studying it again i shugged it off thinking i was just tired and i never took the time to care which side it i was about to turn away my mom came in to remind me to brush my teeth she saw me looking at the painting and the strangest look dawned on her face.
she said to me "come" i asked her what was wrong and she didnt answer but said to me "tell your brother to come to the living room i`ll get your father"
as we sat down she said " we are the dragon keepers we take care of the dragon who was trapped in that painting by an evil wizard five centeries ago" (Claudia, Age 8 to 12, 28.07.2007 17:50:18) (edit)
then i looked everywere for the drangen i fand the dragen under the cotch i tried touching it but it bit
me i yeld for ages sudntly the best thing came up to me and fliped me on it back and flew away with me on its back and we became best friends (edwina, Age 8 to 12, 20.08.2007 20:14:31) (edit)
The dragon soared over the soft clouds, with me on his back.
"Where are you taking me?!"I screamed in his ear, terrified.
You see, I'm not a great lover of heights. I get dizzy just standing on the stairs!
The dragon wouldn't respond. He just kept beating his mighty wings. What can I do? Just sit back and wait for my fate, that is. (UnNown, Age 8 to 12, 16.10.2007 00:18:31) (edit)
We fianlly landed in a lush, grassy meadow. There were beautiful flowers, under a kingfisher blue sky. I glanced at the dragon and saw a look of content in his eyes. In other words, I saw, written all over his face, home. Gee, nice home. Too bad, you live all alone, I thought to myself. Sundennly, there was a rustle in the trees nearby. I stiffened, but noticed the dragon didn't even move it's head. I wanted to yell at him, tell him that, hel-lo!? We're being supposeingly ambushed by unknown creatures! HELP! But then it came out of the trees. By "it", I mean another dragon. This one was blue, whereis, my dragon is green. Then more came out, and in every color imaginable. Blue, green, pink, purple, indigo, aqua, was a big fat dragonic rainbow! Then it hit me. I was surronded by a whole gang of dragons, with only a dazed dragon to help me. GULP! (UnNown, Age 8 to 12, 16.10.2007 21:55:15) (edit)
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