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The launch pad is heating up. The people here wait for the moment of a lifetime. With this big of a gas tank, people would pay more than $10,000 to see this. The heat of the suit is scorching him, especially with the added heat of the engines. But, most of all, the nervousness inside of him piles up. Will it work, or will it not? He will be the first to find out. He is going to be the first man on Mars. (William, Age 8 to 12, 2/22/2007 8:52:10 PM) (edit) )
He said it did not work only because he farted in the suit and it did not smell nice. CASSIE URBO (cassie, Age 8 to 12, 24.05.2010 07:41:00) (edit) He realized that he forgot to take his antigas. This is all part of the life of a fearless astronaut adventurer. He always dreamed that one day he would meet extraterrestrials. He wanted to be able to have a friendship with them. We could trade and barter with them. They would need something of the technology on earth and we would need something of theirs. We could all get along or could we. What if war broke out. What if they would want to conquer us> (Joshua Camacho, Age 8 to 12, 04.12.2012 09:52:02) (edit)
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