one day the dragoon general (dragoons are humans that can turn into dragons) ran into the royal room in which the throne is in and unsheathed his sword right to the kings neck and followed through then yelled "oh no the enemy has beheaded the king" no one knew the general's evil intentions but thought him a hero for saving the royal daughter... (dan, Age 8 to 12, 6/9/2004 3:43:02 PM) (edit) )
(Average Rating: 5,5, Votes: 2)
the royal daughter walled in and shouted when she saw her father laying on his throne dead. So she ran away to get the guards.But when the guards came in the body was gone and all there was,was a empty seat.But they did see a wing and got all the guards and set off for the killer.At 3;clock and then a day and they found a lair it was dark and gloomy they found the body but no killer.So they went back to the castle. And had a funeral for the king and went back outside to find the kings killer. They found him 2 years later dead then they lived happily ever after THE END (krishna satchithananthasivam, Age 8 to 12, 25.02.2009 18:12:48) (edit)
the empire book about what (james, Age 5 to 8, 15.10.2008 06:15:07) (edit)
My Dragon is a dragon (Dragon, Age 5 to 8, 15.10.2008 09:02:07) (edit)
The royal daugnter got some monkey gaurds in pjs and bonets.When they found the killer they did the hip hop and offerd him some ice cream.Then they started jumping around and jumped on his head. (j m, Age 8 to 12, 07.01.2009 09:03:51) (edit)
The monkey started a food fight and one peed on his head. (j and m, Age 8 to 12, 07.01.2009 09:09:15) (edit)
who is the author
(corey, Age 13 to 18, 07.01.2009 13:14:07) (edit)
The monkeys started to punch the killer (m, Age 8 to 12, 20.01.2009 11:12:40) (edit)
The monkeys started to punch the killer (m, Age 8 to 12, 20.01.2009 11:12:40) (edit)
killer hurty most back as well but the m onkeys won
(habeeb, Age 13 to 18, 16.04.2009 09:57:27) (edit)
you punks said the monkeys we one whoo hoo (shelbee, Age 8 to 12, 18.07.2009 00:03:04) (edit)
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