Mentor of Magic, Mentor of Murder
"Mother and father, queen and king
Farewell to you, farewell I sing,
Farewell to William,sweet and true,
Farewell, dear sister Meg, to you.
But woe to my fair sister Anne,
Who killed me for to take my man. (Iris C. Anagram, Age 8 to 12, 7/16/2004 2:32:53 PM) (edit) )
One year later I liked a lollipop. (Troy, Adult, 12.02.2018 07:41:54) (edit)
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My cat lives in Las Vegas (3) The Fate of A Child: The Sequal To The Witch Trial. (2) Never Knew (1) Mystery (1) Mrs. Potter (1) Meant to be... (1)
Three Dukes (Magic_Fantasy) Mentor of Magic, Mentor of Murder (Magic_Fantasy) Summer the Holiday Fairy (Magic_Fantasy) Moody The Human Mood Ring! (Magic_Fantasy) Harry lost in love (Magic_Fantasy) The Angle Of Magic (Magic_Fantasy) A Journey to Water (Magic_Fantasy) The three little pigs and the terminator (Magic_Fantasy) The Leprehaun's Magic Ring (Magic_Fantasy) the magic skateboard (Magic_Fantasy)
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