Hermione screamed as someone grabbed her from behind and clamped a hand over her mouth. "Help!" she shrieked, her voice muffled. No one can hear me, she thought suddenly, but still tried to fight the captor and screamed as loud as she could.. Meanwhile, Ron and Harry heard frantic noises coming from the halls. "Hermione!" they said at once. The two boys rushed to the place where they heard her scream, and found a badge that read, "Slytherin".... (carolyn, Age 8 to 12, 9/21/2006 8:30:44 PM) (edit) )
(Average Rating: 5,30769230769231, Votes: 13)
"Don't come any closer!" a gruff voice yelled as Hermione's muffled sobs filled the room. "Harry, you wouldn't want me to hurt your little friend would you?"
(Minnie Mouse, Age 13 to 18, 04.03.2007 09:54:22) (edit)
"No Malfoy," Harry shouted. all of a sudden Dumbledore rounded the corner (Writer For The Quibbler, Age 8 to 12, 04.03.2007 16:50:09) (edit)
"Let go Malfoy!" Dumbledore stated. He looked tired. "Harry, I need to talk to you as soon as possible." (Writer For The Quibbler, Age 8 to 12, 04.03.2007 17:42:00) (edit)
malfoy let go and mumbled something and left with a smirk which probably meant 'i'll be back' harry followed dumbledore and when they got to his offive he said "theres no easy way to say this so i'll just come out with it..i'm tired and will be gone soon...and i'm leaving proffesor magonagol for head master and want you to be head boy....but i will rest assure i will NOT leave this world untill lord voldemort is gone for good" said dumbledore and a tear ran down both of there faces back at the gryffendor common room hermione and ron were playing wizards chess and what looked like 'flirting' with each other (harry and ginny together forever & ron and hermione together forever, Age 13 to 18, 13.03.2007 19:37:17) (edit)
malfoy let go and mumbled something and left with a smirk which probably meant 'i'll be back' harry followed dumbledore and when they got to his offive he said "theres no easy way to say this so i'll just come out with it..i'm tired and will be gone soon...and i'm leaving proffesor magonagol for head master and want you to be head boy....but i will rest assure i will NOT leave this world untill lord voldemort is gone for good" said dumbledore and a tear ran down both of there faces back at the gryffendor common room hermione and ron were playing wizards chess and what looked like 'flirting' with each other (harry and ginny together forever & ron and hermione together forever, Age 13 to 18, 13.03.2007 19:37:23) (edit)
Suddenly, Hermione dissapeared in thin air. Ron screamed with rage. Dumbledore said,"Oh no. I don't know where she went or how!
"I thought you were a super-genius,"said Harry frightened. "Maybe," said Dumbledore. Harry knew who was causing this, Malfoy. Harry and Ron ran down to the Slytherin common room. (zeezom, Age 8 to 12, 27.03.2007 20:57:26) (edit)
Ginny followed them she was inlove with harry and secretly harry felt the same way about her and din't want her to get hurt. "Ginny, what are you doind here..we don't want you to get hurt" said harry (Harry and ginny together forever ron and hermione together forever, Age 13 to 18, 08.04.2007 16:21:44) (edit)
"Harry if anything happens i promise i will go back " said Ginny "O.K then" replied Harry. so Harry, Ron, Ginny and Dumbledore started of down towards the dungeons where the Slytherin commen room was. When they got there the door was wide open and they heard voices "Are you sure they will come for the girl" a hissing voice said "o..of cou..course" replied a shaking voice. Suddenly Harry felt something in his pocket it was his invislbilty cloak Harry quickly put on the cloak and went in the room he saw objects that looked very valuble. Then he heard a voice it was coming fom across the room he looked and he saw that it Voldemort. "Are you sure that my horcruxs will be safe" "yes" came Dracos Malfoys voice so Harry quietly picked up h horcruxs and took them back outside. Ginny Harry and Dumbledore destroed them. Ron went into the room and shouted "Avada Kedrava" Harry then knew that Voldemort was dead. (Voldemort Hater, Age 8 to 12, 09.04.2007 04:04:27) (edit)
Then Harry rememberd something. Dumbledore had said that he wouldn't leave this word until Voldemot had left. Harry quickly turned around and saw that he was gone. Ron came back with Hermione. (Isabella, Age 8 to 12, 09.04.2007 18:51:33) (edit)
The funeral of Dumbledoor was a long and painful process for Harry. He could hardly believe his mentor, his best friend, was one forever. As Harry looked at the clear blue skies above him he vowed that someday he would bring Dumbledoor back, someday, Dumbledoor would return...something by the coffin of his former headmaster caught his eye. no, literally. his left i flew from its socket and a wrinkled hand caught it in its gnarled grasp. Harry jumped and felt his eysocket. no pain nor blood poured forth from i, to his suprise. Dumbledore arose from the coffin, a new man...he spoke. "Your faith has healed me harry", his voice strong and confident,"you have brought me back." As his eye returned to his socket, Harry Potter jogged over and embraced his friend. A man cried out. "why won't you die?!!" he said. he rushed out of the crowd, a knife in hand. Potter cried out, "NO!!!!" and flung himself in front of Dumbledore, and took the knife ment for his headmaster. he dies a heroic death, a death that everyone talks about, even til this day.
ginny cried and cried for many days she had loved harry since her first year. she told her feelings to her brother ron and hermieni
(Flik, Age 13 to 18, 30.12.2010 07:24:58) (edit)
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