Hermione and Malfoy: THE TRUTH

Malfoy had loved Hermione for a long time but never showed it until his and hermiones 7th year at hogwarts. Harry and Ron were going for a cup of coffee in madame Puddifoots when..... (Aimee, Age 8 to 12, 1/4/2004 4:35:18 AM) (edit) )

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Hermioney and Malfoy kissed and went to his dormroom.Malfoy and Hermoiney went to his dormroom and had a good time kissing and having privacy alone. (Jamie, Age 8 to 12, 03.03.2007 20:25:29) (edit)

malfoy loved hermione (Marissa, Age 8 to 12, 18.08.2014 18:46:28) (edit)

"OH HEWL NO!!" yelled ron not thinking (diamond, Age 8 to 12, 18.08.2014 18:34:07) (edit)

Arnold got Angry and said "WTF" "i travled all this way for a NO" "HEWL YEA BOI" Arnold got angry and cried he called his mom and she drove him home to change his diaper. (Retardacon, Age 8 to 12, 18.08.2014 18:42:58) (edit)

Hermoine, please mar... Malfroy started to say when the new girl walked right passed him. he fell in love with her and forgot about Hermoine. so hermoine ran off. harry came up to her and kissed her on the lips. ron saw and started pounding on harry to get off her. because hermoine and ron we're already going out! (Nicole, Age 13 to 18, 04.04.2007 18:39:12) (edit)

harry and ron really aren't friends anymore! ron and hermoine are gonna get married. harry was lonely. he had no one. until... well you figure it out! (nicole, Age 13 to 18, 04.04.2007 18:40:46) (edit)

Harry meet his cousin who he didn't know was his cousin. and they fell in love. which is kind a gross cause their family. (nicole, Age 13 to 18, 04.04.2007 18:42:02) (edit)

harry found tha that was to odd. so they broke up. he knew he was really in love with Ginny!!!! (da mexarican, Age 8 to 12, 06.04.2007 17:36:01) (edit)

But Ginny Was A little bit of a Skank. She had been with dean, seamus,malfoy neville, snape and even professor flitwick. Harry and Ginny stood staring at each other. Im sorry cried Ginny Im sorry im such a little hoe. Dont worry Ginny. Said Harry Symptattically. Im sure Percy Will Have You. So Ginny Ran off throguh the great hall to the teachers table where percy was sitting. Percy! " I Love You!" O Ginny I love You Too! They locked in a passinate embrace. Ron and Harry JUmped ot their feet Percy! How COukd YOu she is your sister (....GINNYISINCEST..., Age 13 to 18, 08.04.2007 04:24:43) (edit)

GET TO THE CHOPPA! (Arnold Schwartsenhegar, Adult, 18.08.2014 18:35:07) (edit)

What the heck is going on here? asked Molly Weasley, who had walked in unnoticed. (Kristina, Age 8 to 12, 23.03.2021 11:54:52) (edit)

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