Dustin A 14 Year Old Boy Just Moved Into Town And He Has Been Getting Predictions 20 years Later
He Becomes An Author He Is About Find Out Who Sent Him Those Predictions And Why. (Dustin, Age 13 to 18, 3/7/2006 11:53:21 AM) (edit) )
Dustin decided to go visit his grandmother, Madame Marie. She always knew the answers. When he got to her big, two story Victorian house, she already had the door open for him, "I've been expecting you Dustin" she said. Dustin looked surprised as his grandmother continued "You just had your 14th birthday and received your new gift didn't you?". Dustin's eyes grew wide as he stared at his grandmother. (Miata, Age 8 to 12, 07.05.2013 19:26:27) (edit)
A (Edgar Allan Poe's number 1 fan, Age 13 to 18, 20.06.2010 13:52:34) (edit)
he saw their right in the middle of the floor a little wooden desk.Everyone was lined up in front of the desk. A women approuched him and said'I've been here for 100 years waiting for you.I know everything about you.I'm trying to help save you.Your in really bad danger.Your grandmother is going to try to cast a spell on you.She will say this:write write make this boy become a writer and everything he types comes true!You will write a story and in that story on your last sentence you write:Dustin was so depressed that he hung himself and died. But then right as the last breath was leaving his body........ (Tiffini, Adult, 15.01.2014 10:18:59) (edit)
(silly gurl, Age 13 to 18, 20.06.2010 13:51:26) (edit)
He was locked up in a prison. grandma told me to go through the door he thought and now i'm locked up. he started waltzing in the room till every one thought he was crazy and he was thrown out. now he had escaped he needed to find the door. he wished someone would help him escape this idiotic world.
9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 miles away a dragon heard him. he had been called... (skittles(littles), Age 8 to 12, 29.05.2010 21:57:38) (edit)
He was locked up in a prison. grandma told me to go through the door he thought and now i'm locked up. he started waltzing in the room till every one thought he was crazy and he was thrown out. now he had escaped he needed to find the door. he wished someone would help him escape this idiotic world.
9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 miles away a dragon heard him. he had been called... ((skittles(littles), Age 8 to 12, 12.08.2012 22:50:32) (edit)
He was locked up in a prison grandma told me to go through the door he thought and now i'm locked up. he started waltzing in the room till every one thought he was crazy and he was thrown out. now he had escaped he needed to find the door. he wished someone would help him escape this idiotic world.
9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999miel away a dragon heard him. he had been called... ((skittles(littles), Age 8 to 12, 27.10.2012 21:31:12) (edit)