alvin and the chipmunks turn evil
one day a litte chipmunk was born on the 1/20/08. And his name was alvin and he had to younger brothers named simon and theodor. but they could do anything in the world. Alvin and the chipmunks used their powers for evil. (Maranda, Age 13 to 18, 30.07.2020 17:15:21) (edit) )
When alvin and his brother left his house in 2/9/2012 and didn't get back until 2/9/2013 the world had change they said to one another, we are going to fix this. (Maranda, Age 8 to 12, 30.07.2020 17:23:50) (edit) alvin said''stop it your not a monkey,and don't chew on that! oh i just wish they stop. (jasmin, Young Adult, 18.09.2013 15:36:17) (edit) Then we will eat you! (nathanial, Age 8 to 12, 25.09.2013 10:11:40) (edit) Alvin and his brothers Simon and Therdor was very bad when they turn their self evil. (tiarra, Age 8 to 12, 30.09.2013 11:49:07) (edit)
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