switched at birth

On august 1 1990 julian jones was born.Julian was taken to a room were babies sleep in .The nurse accidently put julian in the place of another baby.So,a couple days later julian was taken out of the hospital to live with her fake parents..-fast forward 14 years julian...... (emily, Age 13 to 18, 9/20/2006 8:34:38 PM) (edit) )

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Was in high by now. She had to skip a year and was now a freshmen in high school. She was rich and popular, everybody liked her. She was on the swimming team and they had to go to another town to... (Cinderella2007 edited by Sophia, Age 13 to 18, 10.01.2013 16:04:55) (edit)

After school one day, Julian was at home watching TV and and eating popcorn when she got a phone call from Lake Mead hospital and they were explaining an acciedent the day she was born. They were explaining that she was switched at birth. Later on that week Julian was called down to the hospital, and she was ask did she want to take a blood test, so julian agreed. The test was POSITIVE. Later on that day they gave Julian an phone call and told her that the people she took the blood test with were her real parents. The next week or so she was called down to a detective station with her fake parents and her real parents to see if she wanted to meet her and get to know her real parents. The answer was no. Julian asked her real parents, how come you are just now looking for me, they said because we thought it might interfere with your childhood life and mess it up, so we waited until you were at least 14 or 15 years old so you can understand.When we finally tracked you down They told us that you live with your so called fake parents. When we finally found out were you lived we had the hospital call you down so we can talk and get to know you. So here we are. The child that we took died when he was 14, 3 months ago. We were at home and he was about to go with his friends when he fell on the floor they repairing, and it had alot of nails. The nails went through his whole body and face. It was the most horrible thing to see I was walking right behind him and I told him to be careful about but I guess not. When his came to pick him up 3 hours later I told them that he passed away some hours ago and he is already at the funeral home, and I told them his funeral will be in a couple of weeks and I told them to please come. After I told them that all of them walked away with sad faces. Anyways back to our conversation I want to tell his parents but I dont want them to be to sad about it. But after a while I thought about it, and I'm going to tell them before the day is over. 2 B continuied (Salaam, Age 8 to 12, 15.06.2016 12:08:14) (edit)

suddenly his fake parents walk into the room. as soon as he hang up the phone he looked at them and said y.........y didnt you tell me. (de'train, Age 13 to 18, 13.07.2007 13:49:15) (edit)

the reason they didnt tell him is cause he didnt want them to woory about finding his parents so that they didnt have to ground him (cece, Young Adult, 13.07.2007 15:54:51) (edit)

that night he went to the window and stared out and wondered what his real parents were like and what they looked like wether they were dead or alive after he was done thinking about that he looked on the other side of the road and saw a boy about his age.... (Se'Ondra, Age 13 to 18, 16.07.2007 15:02:05) (edit)

he seen the little boy playing with him mom and dad and pictured his self with them to see how it feels to be with his real mom and dad he sat down on the sidewalk and wondered why him. then he started to stare at the little boy and his mom and dad across the street (meesha, Age 13 to 18, 16.07.2007 16:37:58) (edit)

he felt that never it had happened his mother and father have not loved him so why was he thinking in that way but he had a true curiousity to be with his mom and dad (the real one) and me and my sister were swiched we were lesbeand and we liked eachothers my mom didnt know (taylor, Age 13 to 18, 09.10.2014 07:51:34) (edit)

His parents(real 1s)rushed in with tears of guilt and said we heard everything you said,We do love you! Mom I know you do but dad doesn't.What do you mean?Well he called me an ugly fat dummy and he is holding a sign above his head saying:I hate you!Well thats the past this is now.No he's holding the sign right now! (Alanah, Age 8 to 12, 06.11.2007 21:49:35) (edit)

"Why didn't you tell me" "tell you what hun" "That your not my real parents" (K and G, Age 8 to 12, 18.08.2014 18:56:47) (edit)

But than one day her real parents showed up and she was lucky that she could go home with them. (GK, Age 8 to 12, 06.03.2008 22:10:38) (edit)

thought something was different he kept on have weird things flasting throught his mind things like his fake parents saying sorry son we aren't your rell parents (Paige, Age 8 to 12, 06.03.2008 22:11:17) (edit)

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