The City Of Ascalon
Once many many years ago there was a city of Ascalon. Humans lived in peace there behind the great northern wall. But past the wall was an enemy they were not ready for... the beast like... CHARR!. The mix between a rabid wolf and rabid bull the nothern wall protected humans in Ascalon. Until The Great Flame... the Charr found a way tro bring the wall down... (Caleb S, Age 8 to 12, 2/3/2009 6:22:41 PM) (edit) )
Then the CHARR eat all human he saw...I SAW A RAT (pol, Age 8 to 12, 15.01.2013 16:20:45) (edit) soon the place was empty then the first famliy moved there and biuld the wall and killed the wiled animals (none of ur biz, Age 1 to 4, 22.12.2012 00:22:56) (edit) Then the city was rebuild and everyone killed the animals and then one day one girl came from the forest no one had ever seen her before and she had cat ears and a tail (aiko, Age 8 to 12, 23.08.2013 16:13:18) (edit)
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