Gently Fading Away

I was cleaning my room when pa said you have to go to your Aunt Sally's house because I have a very important thing to do.I have a bad feeling about this I thought. (Alanah, Age 8 to 12, 11/7/2007 12:34:35 AM) (edit) )

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I ask:"what important thing pa?" he just looks at me, fear in his eyes. he turns leaving me alone. After a long walk,I am at aunt sally's. I questioned:"Pa said he had something of great importance to do. but the house is in perfect order, do you know what it could be?" the same look of terror crossed her face. "Quick! get the telephone, Soony!" she said. I got the phone. she called my father. "foleo! Soony just informed me that you...Well have a problem." Between her nods and "Anything I can do" I herd my pa say "It's just a baby this time. Ahhhh! teeth are sharp but that's it." worrying for pa I grabbed the phone and said "Pa, what is wrong!?" "Soony? put ant sally back on the phone! this does not..Well maybe it does include you but not right now!" But Pa..." ant sally grabbed the phone away and gave me 'the look' oh boy i knew that look. But even if she did punish me that wold not stop me from wondering: what was a baby? And how come he did not want me helping? I'm good with babes! Why! Why! Why! (Imagin, Age 8 to 12, 14.01.2013 22:37:09) (edit)

Aunt Sally opened the door and sat on the bed and looked at me. "Sorry I over reacted, Soony. Your Pa tolled me not to tell you but your a woman now and you've got to hear the truth." she took a deep breath. (just so we're clear I'm NOT a women. no I'm 12.) "Your house is infested by yojs." " Don't you men 'joys'" I ask aunt sally glared at me. Now I know I should have kept my mouth shut. (Hanna, Age 8 to 12, 01.01.2012 21:33:33) (edit)

(chick chick boomb, Age 5 to 8, 01.01.2012 21:29:41) (edit)

(blank, Age 1 to 4, 01.01.2012 21:34:58) (edit)

She was mostly a nobody. Her name was Ladia. She had no friends and she hardly ever spoke to her family. Onday a Ginnie came to her house. She told her to make 3 wishes. Laudia said her wish was to... (Jakia, Age 8 to 12, 19.10.2010 19:37:24) (edit)

She Had an image of her mother (Daniel, Age 8 to 12, 30.03.2012 17:17:29) (edit)

the magic caastle blew up (michael, Age 8 to 12, 28.03.2012 10:31:20) (edit)

the magic caastle blew up (Michael, Age 8 to 12, 12.08.2012 17:32:03) (edit)

the magic castle blew up (Michael, Age 8 to 12, 27.10.2012 18:44:12) (edit)

Jall is a tall boy.He likes to play ball.Jall likes to shop in the mall too.Jall also likes to play ball in the hall.Jall often calls his friendto play ball in the hall.Jall also likes to climb the wall.He felldom falls because he is tall. (micole, Age 8 to 12, 14.01.2013 08:09:25) (edit)

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