lauren : Amber couldn't stand to see them both fighting and she burst into tears. Hermione hugged her sister then turned to Harry and Ron and said " STOP IT! STOP I SAID! You two should stop arguing because amber cannot stand to see people arguing and it upsets her". Harry and Ron both saw the look on Hermione's face, and the wand she was holding in her hand and stopped at once. Ron was about to tell Harry he was sorry when he noticed something odd about Harry. I thought your eyes where green Harry. They are said Harry, why? Well...they look blue to me said Ron Wh..What? asked Harry. He looked at Ron and Hermione waiting for one of them to laugh, when they didn't he ran to the mirror, Ron was right his eyes had turned blue. How is this possible Harry asked The answer he got came from a voice he had not expected, it came from inside his head but it was not his own, the voice of Albus Dumbledore, their dead head master was speaking to harry from inside him. "It is possible Harry because I did a spell on you the night I left you with your Aunt and Uncle, if I should die before you had a chance to kill Voldemort, a part of me would live inside you until Voldemort is dead at which time the spell will break. You now have the last protection I can offer you Harry. You now have all my knowledge". Ron, Hermione and Amber were looking at Harry suspiciously. Harry looked at them, He spoke and was amazed to hear his own voice as he said "I'm alright, I know how to Kill Voldemort now, he pulled out his wand, gave it a lazy flick, and four very comfortable looking chairs appeared, they all sat down, and he began to tell them all how it came to be that he has been given the knowledge of Dumbledore.
lauren : amber couldn't stand to see them both fighting and she burst into tears. hermione hugged her sister then turned to harry and ron and said " i think you two should stop arguing because amber cannot stand to see people arguing and it upsets her". so harry and ron stopped arguing and were friends again.