Maryam Jalil: well Maria also know as marry . you really should keep better records on your birds. God called out to nefy bring my the bird who died in the desert s records please. nefy hurried back daging a huge book to God called out said defy you really need to get more modern.peopel now keep recedes on thing called back up disks. by this time God felling tired with the hole matter and pouring him self big glass of blue moon water he opened the large bird book looking for the bird who died in the desert God read on the 5th of April a long time ago i left some water and pebbles for a bird called the phoenix, just then at the same moment god soon reached abed be for a bed blow him self up and he said
sonnie: well Maria also know as marry . you really should keep better records onyour birds. God called out to nefy bring my the bird who died in the desert s records please. nefy hurried back daging a huge book to God called out said defy you really need to get more modern.peopel now keep recedes on thing called back up disks. by this time God felling tierd with the hole matter and pouring him self big glass of blue moon water he opened the lage bird book looking for the bird who died in the desert God read on the 5th of April a long time a go i left some water and pebbles for a bird called the phoenix, just then at the same moment god sone reached abed be for a bed blow him self up and he said