Ashley: He ran to his house, but almost as soon as he reached the front porch, he knew he didn't care-why should he? If they didn't like him, then it would be their loss, but they would not get away with crushing and molding into the sand his most beloved possesion. This was a tricky situation for Robert, since he was not one for fighting and rash actions. Then one came to mind, "I'll go live somewhere else-where everyone will love me." Unfortunatly for him, he was living in New York, a very unforgiving city. He ran and ran and ran and kept on running as far as his legs would carry him, and just as he reached a sandy area filled with strange trees and things he had never even imagined before, a strange sensation overcame him-his feet began to tingle, his arms felt numb and limp at his sides. His knees buckled under his frail body, and he fell into a cold sand dune.