Yankee: Robert looked at his filthy, ruined little blue french hat.
Jeremy was about 6 inches taller than him, a little chubbier, and atleast a year older than him.
"I don't like to be bullied," Robert said to himself.
One day, at school, during recess, he had now been doing his math homework. Just then a group of kids came by, twas Jeremy and his gang.
Robert quickly stuffed his blue french hat into his shirt.
"Weres da stupid hat?" Jeremy asked Robert.
Robert looked up.
"SPEAK!" Jeremy said,
"I don't have it today" Robert replied.
There was a pause for 3 seconds.
"AND WHY NOT?" Jeremy asked.
Robert has to think of something fast.....
"My mommy is washing the hat now"
Robert said.
"OH REALLY?" Jeremy said.
Jeremy turned around, and whispered something to his other 2 friends, Tom and Mike.
Just then, Tom and Mike grapbbed Robert's legs and turned him upside down.
The little blue french hat fell out of his shirt where he had kept it.
"HA!" Jeremy said.
Robert screamed out, "NOO!"
Tom nad Mike dropped him.
Robert ran to the bench next to Jeremy looking petrified.
Jeremy, Tom and Mike stepped all over the french hat.They threw it in the sand and dirt.
"There you go, Robbie, nice and dirty" Jeremy said with an evil grin on his face.
Robert took the hat and ran inside the school, crying like it was the end of the world...
Robert knew that it was enough, so he had to........